Misconceptions About the Amount of Exercise Needed
There is a common misconception that has developed over the years of the need for hour long workout sessions each day in order to stay healthy. This half-truth of the necessity for large dedicated chunks of time from everyday life to be put aside for physical exercise has led many to neglect regular exercise completely due to their busy schedules.
While regular exercise is indeed very important to a person's health, the realities of how much daily or weekly exercise a person needs may be pleasantly surprising. Building evidence from scientific studies is starting to show that the regularity of exercise and not the duration of each session is what really counts towards a person's overall health.

New Findings About Exercise
These findings should come as great news for those individuals who put off exercising due to the limited time in the day or because of their busy schedules. Many people who do not receive enough exercise will typically use time constraints as their main source of justification, but no longer will this be the case.
The new findings of research done by such reputable sources as the American Journal of Sports Medicine, the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, and the magazine Preventive Medicine have all combined to point to the same conclusion that short and regular physical activity done every day will provide the exercise a person needs to remain physically healthy and even to drop a few extra pounds off the waistline. Such simple activities as a short walk after dinner, in the mornings, or even around the office at work can effectively replace long sessions at the local gym.
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